Livefyre Adds New Email Notification Settings

I’ve been a fan of the Livefyre commenting system for a little while now, but one thing that always drove me nuts about it was their email notification settings.  If you commented on a post, your only option for future notifications was a regular breakdown of all comments on the post.  There was no way to subscribe to just replies your comments.  It was either all or nothing.  Well, it looks like that changed this week.

New Livefyre email seetings make it a snap to define how you want to receive Livefyre notifcations

You can now decide whether or not you want to receive immediate, hourly, or no emails for each of the following categories:

  • Posts that you’re following
  • Posts that you’re moderating
  • Replies to your comments
  • Likes of your comments

This is far easier to digest, and it no longer automatically takes over your inbox when you comment on a popular post.

What’s more, you can easily follow…

Or unfollow…

…from right within the comment box.

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About Luke

My name is Luke, and I'm the Online Media Manager for a technology company, photographer, husband, and father. You can see a snapshot of some of my work at I cheer for the Red Sox and am completely in love with my wife and four little princesses.

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